"Super Simple" Unix/Linux "Display info" commands.
Date : 08/08/2014
Version: 0.91
By : Albert van der Sel
Remarks: The Commands will only display information and not change anything at all.
I just wanted a "Super Simple" file with a few "list" commands *ONLY*, and with little to none comments.
Main Contents:
1. Display SWAP information
2. Display Memory information
3. Display CPU information
4. Display kernel modules / kernel parameters
5. Display Disk info / LVM info
6. Display Packages / patches
7. Display version
8. Display main system log
9. Display networkinterface information
10. Display processes, open files, resource usage etc..
1. Display SWAP information:
1.1 AIX:
# lsps -a
# lsps -s
# pstat -s
1.2 HP-UX:
# swapinfo -a
# swapinfo -tam
1.3 Solaris
# swap -l
# prtswap -l
1.4 Linux:
# swapon -s
# cat /proc/swaps
# cat /proc/meminfo
1.5 FreeBSD:
# swapinfo
# pstat -s
2. Display Memory information:
2.1 AIX
# vmo -L
# vmstat -v
# lparstat -i
# svmon -G
# lsattr -E -l mem0
# lsattr -E -l sys0 -a realmem
# bootinfo -r
# prtconf
2.2 HP-UX:
# machinfo
# machinfo | grep -i Memory
# dmesg | grep -i phys
# print_manifest
# print_manifest |grep -i memory
# echo "selclass qualifier memory;info;wait;infolog"|cstm
# glance -m
# sam>Performance Monitors>System Properties>Memory Tab # sam is a utility
# cat syslog|grep Phy
# wc -c /dev/mem
# swapinfo -tam
("print_manifest" comes with ignite)
2.3 Solaris:
# dmesg | grep mem
# prtdiag | grep Memory
# prtconf -v | grep Memory
# prtmem
# memps -m
2.4 Linux:
# cat /proc/meminfo
# dmesg | grep -i memory
# free
# free -m # in MB
# dmidecode --type 17
2.5 FreeBSD:
# dmesg | grep -i memory
# grep memory /var/run/dmesg.boot
# sysctl -a | grep mem
3. Display CPU information:
3.1 AIX:
# lparstat -i
# prtconf
# pmcycles -m
# lsattr -El procx (x is 0,2, etc..)
# lscfg | grep proc
# pstat -S
# mpstat
# lsdev -Cc processor
3.2 HP-UX:
# machinfo
# ioscan -kfnC processor
# getconf CPU_VERSION
# getconf CPU_CHIP_TYPE
# model
# print_manifest
3.3 Solaris:
# psrinfo -v
# prtconf
# psrset -p
# prtdiag
3.4 Linux:
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
# dmesg | grep -i cpu
# lscpu
# lshw -class cpu
# lshw -class cpu -short
# dmidecode --type 4
3.5 FreeBSD:
# sysctl hw.model
# sysctl -a | egrep -i 'hw.machine|hw.model|hw.ncpu'
# dmesg | grep -i cpu
# uname -p
4. Display kernel modules / kernel parameters:
4.1 AIX:
# genkex
# vxketadm -s
# vmo
# ioo
# schedo
# lsattr -El sys0
4.2 HP-UX:
# kcmodule
# kcmodule -v vxfs
# lsdev
# sysdef
-> using the "kcweb" web interface
-> using the utility "sam"
# kcweb -t
# kmtune # kmtune is an "older" wrapper over kctune
# kctune
# kctune -d
# kctune -v
# kctune -g
# kcusage
# print_manifest
- get the current system file:
# cd /stand/build
# /usr/lbin/sysadm/system_prep -v -s system
4.3 Solaris:
# modinfo
# modinfo -i 5 #(info on module with id 5)
# ls -lR /proc/sys
# cat /etc/system
# sysdef -i
# adb -k
4.4 Linux:
# modprobe -l
# modprobe -l abc*
# lsmod
# modinfo
-> browse around in /proc
-> browse around in /sys
# cat /etc/sysconfig/kernel
# cat /etc/sysctl.conf
# sysctl -a
4.5 FreeBSD:
# kldstat
# sysctl -a
# cat /boot/loader.conf
# cat /etc/sysctl.conf
5. Display Disk info / LVM info:
Note (!): This is on every platform a very wide subject.
Below is very summier info.
5.1 AIX:
(1). Viewing (static) mounts/mountpoints associated with devices/filesystems:
# cat /etc/filesystems
(2). Showing sizes (used/free) of filesystems:
# df -h
# df -m #(in MB)
(3). Physical Volumes (PV's):
hdisk0, hdisk1, hdisk2 etc.. naming for local disks, or LUNs (depending driver/san/access method).
vpath0, vpath1, vpath2 etc.. naming for LUNs (depending driver/san/access method).
Physical disks are always grouped in LVM "Volume Group(s)".
Display physical disks:
# lsdev -Cc disk
# lspv
# lspv -p hdisk3
# lspv -l hdisk3
(4). Volumegroups (VG's):
The "rootvg" is mandatory, other VG's can have names as you want them to have, like "oravg".
# lsvg
# lsvg oravg
# lsvg -l oravg
# lsvg -p datavg
(5). Logical Volumes (LV's):
# lslv -l lv06
In "rootvg", the following logical volumes exists:
hd4= /, hd5=boot, hd6=paging, hd2=/usr, hd3=/tmp, hd9var=/var
5.2 HP-UX:
(1). Viewing (static) mounts/mountpoints associated with devices/filesystems:
# cat /etc/fstab
(2). Showing sizes (used/free) of filesystems:
# bdf
# df -k
(3). Disk info: Disk names/devices/identifiers:
=> Traditional : /dev/dsk/cXtYdZ (block)
=> Newer agile device files: /dev/disk/diskN (block)
Using "ioscan":
# ioscan
- Traditional or legacy (showing hardware path):
# /usr/sbin/ioscan -C disk
# /usr/sbin/ioscan -N -C disk
-Hardware paths or LUN paths:
# ioscan -efunC disk
# ioscan -fkNC lunpath
Newer "agile" means "path" independence.
# pvdisplay -v
# pvdisplay /dev/dsk/c1t0d0
# pvdisplay -v /dev/dsk/c2t0d0
using the newer "Agile" representation:
# pvdisplay /dev/disk/disk22
# diskinfo -v /dev/rdsk/cXtYdZ
=> Since HPUX 11i later releases, we can use Agile device files too like for example
/dev/disk/disk7 (block)
/dev/rdisk/disk7 (character)
and partitions like:
=> More information on device files might be obtained using the "lssf" command like:
# /usr/sbin/lssf /dev/rdsk/*
=> Show boot, root, dump, swap:
# lvlnboot -v
(4). Volumegroups:
Usually vg00, vg01 etc.. rootfs is contained in vg00.
# vgdisplay vg00
# vgdisplay -v /dev/vg02
# vgdisplay -v vgdata
# ls -al /dev/vg* | more
(5). Logical Volumes (LV's):
/dev/vgxx/lvoln (block device files)
/dev/vgxx/rlvoln (character device files)
where xx represents the volume group that the logical volume belongs to,
and n represents the logical volume number within that volume group.
# lvdisplay /dev/vg00/lvol2
# lvdisplay -v /dev/vg00/lvol2
5.3 Solaris:
(1). Viewing (static) mounts/mountpoints associated with devices/filesystems:
# cat /etc/vfstab
(2). Showing sizes (used/free) of filesystems:
# df -k
# df -t
# du -s /home/fred #shows a total summary of /home/fred
# du -sg /data #shows a total summary of /data in GB
(3). Disk names/devices/identifiers:
=> traditional:
A logical device name for a disk drive has the following format:
where cx refers to the SCSI controller number, tx to the SCSI bus target number,
dx to the disk number (always 0 except on storage arrays)
and sx to the slice or partition number.
(4). SCSI and disks:
From the pre-boot OK prompt:
ok probe-scsi
- HBA's:
# cfgadm -l
Ap_Id.............Type.........Receptacle.... Occupant......Condition
c0................scsi-bus.....connected..... configured....unknown
c1................scsi-bus.....connected..... unconfigured..unknown
usb0/1............unknown......empty......... unconfigured..ok
- devices:
# cfgadm -al
# cfgadm -al -o show_SCSI_LUNS c5
# cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev c5
# fcinfo hba-port
# fcinfo -sl -p HBA-Port-WWN
# luxadm -e port
=> ZFS list commands:
# zpool status -x
# zpool status
# zpool status -v mypool
# zpool list
# zpool list mypool
# zpool list -o name,size
# zpool history -l mypool
# zpool iostat 2
# zfs list
# zfs list -t snapshot
5.4 Linux:
(1). Viewing (static) mounts/mountpoints associated with devices/filesystems:
# cat /etc/fstab
(2). Showing sizes (used/free) of filesystems:
# df -h
# df -T
(3). Disk names/devices/identifiers:
=> Standard disk device (files):
/dev/sda - first SCSI disk (address-wise)
/dev/sdb - second SCSI disk (address-wise)
/dev/hda - master disk on IDE primary controller
/dev/hdb - slave disk on IDE primary controller
/dev/hdc - master disk on secondary controller
/dev/hdd - slave disk on secondary controller
Often, LUNs are numbered likewise, like sde, sdf etc..
=> From older arrays, devices might look like:
/dev/cciss/c0d0 Controller 0, disk 0, whole device
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 Controller 0, disk 0, partition 1
=> Show LVM Physical Volumes:
# pvdisplay
=> Show ordinary disk/partitions:
# cat /proc/partitions
# fdisk -l
# fdisk -l /dev/sda
# lshw -class disk
# lshw -C disk
# ls /dev/disk/by-id
# sfdisk -l
# sfdisk -l /dev/sda
# lsscsi
# lsblk -f
# blkid
# blkid /dev/sda
# smartctl -i /dev/sda
# hwinfo --disk
(4). Volumegroups:
# vgdisplay
(5). Logical Volumes (LV's):
# lvdisplay
6. Display Packages / patches:
6.1 AIX:
# instfix -ik APAR_number
# lslpp -h fileset1, fileset2
# lslpp -l fileset
# lslpp -w "*whatever*"
# lslpp -l | grep -i whatever
rpm works as well
6.2 HP-UX:
# swlist -l patch
# swlist -l bundle
# swlist -l product
# swlist | grep patch
6.3 Solaris:
# showrev -p
# pkginfo
# pkginfo -i package_name
# patchadd -p
# pkgchk -l -p (file belongs)
6.4 Linux:
# rpm -qa
# rpm -q packagename
# rpm -qa | grep whatever
# rpm -qlp whatever.rpm
# yum list mypackage
# yum search whatever
6.5 FreeBSD:
# pkg_info
# pkg_version
# pkg_info -a
# pkg_info | grep 'packagename'
# pkg_info -L package
7. Display Version:
7.1 AIX:
# oslevel -r
# oslevel -s
# bootinfo -K
# lslpp -l bos.64bit
# genkex |grep 64
7.2 HP-UX:
# uname -r
# what /stand/vmunix
# getconf KERNEL_BITS
# file /stand/vmunix
# machinfo
7.3 Solaris
# cat /etc/release
# uname -a
# isainfo -v
7.4 Linux:
# cat /proc/version
# uname -r
# uname -a
# cat /etc/redhat-release
# cat /etc/SuSE-release
# cat /etc/*release
7.5 FreeBSD:
# uname -r
# uname -a
8. Display main system log:
- Often, use "cat" (or "more") to view logs, and optionally use "grep" to filter.
- Often, "dmesg" shows kernel messages plus bootinfo.
- Often, multiple logfiles live in (or subdirs in) "/var/log" or "/var/adm/".
8.1 AIX:
# errpt
# errpt | grep -i WhatEverString
# errpt -a
# errpt -aj ErrorIdentifier
8.2 HP-UX:
# cat /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log | more
# cat /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log | grep -i WhatEverString
8.3 Solaris:
# cat /var/adm/syslog | more
# cat /var/adm/messages | more
# more /var/adm/messages
# cat /var/adm/messages | grep -i WhatEverString
8.4 Linux:
# cat /var/log/messages | more
# cat /var/log/messages | grep -i WhatEverString
# more /var/log/messages
8.5 FreeBSD:
# cat /var/log/messages | more
# cat /var/log/messages grep -i WhatEverString
9. Display network interface information:
9.1 AIX:
-- some main config files:
# cat /etc/resolv.conf # nameservers
# cat /etc/named.conf
# cat /etc/netsvc.conf # order of names resolution
# cat /etc/hosts # IPAddress-Hostname mappings
# cat /etc/inetd.conf # inet daemons configfile
-- interface info:
# lsdev -Cc adapter | grep ent
# lsdev -Cc if
# lsattr -El ent1
# smitty inet
# smitty mkinet
# smitty chgenet
# smitty tcpip
# ifconfig -a
# ifconfig en0
# entstat -d en0
9.2 HP-UX:
-- some main config files:
# cat /etc/resolv.conf # nameservers
# cat /etc/netconfig # netconfiguration
# cat /etc/named.conf
# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf # order of names resolution
# cat /etc/hosts # IPAddress-Hostname mappings
# cat /etc/inetd.conf # inet daemons configfile
# cat /etc/rc.config.d/netconf # Contains hostname, ip address, default route
-- interface info:
# lanscan
# lanadmin
# nwmgr # nwmgr is the new way, it provides plenty interface info
# nwmgr --get
# nwmgr -g
# nwmgr -q info -c lan0
# ifconfig
# for i in `netstat -rn |grep lan |cut -c55-59 |sort |uniq`; do ifconfig $i; done
# for i in `lanscan -i | awk '{print $1}'` ; do ifconfig $i ; done
# netstat -i, netstat -rn
# netstat -s # shows stats
9.3 Solaris:
-- some main config files:
# cat /etc/defaultrouter
# cat /etc/inet/hosts -> /etc/hosts
# cat /etc/inet/netmasks
# cat /etc/bootparams
# cat /etc/ethers
# cat /etc/inet/networks
# cat /etc/inet/protocols
# cat /etc/inet/services
# cat /etc/resolv.conf # nameservers
# cat /etc/named.conf
# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf # order of names resolution
# cat /etc/hosts # IPAddress-Hostname mappings
-- interface info:
# prtdiag | grep "card"
# prtconf
# kstat -c net | grep net
# kstat -c net | more
# svcs -x
# ifconfig -a
# dladm show-link
# ipadm show-if
# ipadm show-addr
9.4 Linux:
-- some main config files:
Depends on distro, but You might try to take a look in the following
directories (or files), if they exists on your system:
/etc/network (directory)
/etc/network/interfaces (directory)
/etc/network/interfaces (as a file)
/etc/sysconfig/network (as a file)
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg- (as a file)
and common ones:
# cat /etc/resolv.conf # nameservers
# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf # order of names resolution
# cat /etc/hosts # IPAddress-Hostname mappings
# cat /etc/inetd.conf # inet daemons configfile
-- interface info:
# netstat -nr
# netstat -i
# ifconfig eth0
# lshw -class network
# lspci
# lspci | grep -i eth
# lspci | egrep -i --color 'wifi|wlan|wireless'
# dmesg | grep eth
# ethtool eth0
# grep eth0 /etc/modules.conf
10. Display processes, open files, libraries in use, utilization etc..:
In this case, it's not neccessary to shift commands in seperate OS'ses,
since over most systems, at least for the commands I want to show here,
they are very similar.
But there are exceptions ofcourse. Just try a "command", or use "man command"
to see if it would work, and to see examples or syntax for your system.
10.1 Display which processes uses a certain mountpoint (disksystem):
# fuser -c mountpoint (like e.g. fuser -c /backups)
See also 10.2
10.2 Display which processes uses a certain file, or resource:
10.2.1 fuser:
-which process uses a file?
# fuser -u /home/miranda/accounts.txt
10.2.2 lsof:
The "lsof" (list open files) utility is not available for all unixes.
However, you can always just try it, like:
-which processes uses the a certain file?
# lsof /etc/passwd
# lsof +fg /data/oracfg
or just use the "long" listing (all files) and grep it on the filename:
# lsof | grep MyFile
-which processes uses /dev/cdrom?
# lsof /dev/cdrom
-what files is the pid 3563 using?
# lsof -p 3563
# lsof -c somedaemon
-p [pid], -c [name], -u [userid]
The "pfiles" command (on some unixes) have similar functionality.
10.3 Display full process list on your system:
# ps -ef (full listing dumped "all at once")
# ps -ef | more (one screen at the time)
# ps -ef | grep -i WhatEverString (like ps -ef | grep -i ora)
10.4 Display processes and utilization (%cpu and others):
Using ascii "graphical" (with real-time updates) screens:
# top (often available on most unixes/linux)
# nmon (often available on most unixes/linux)
# topas (often available on e.g. AIX)
# glance (often available on HPUX)
10.5 Display processes and mem usages and files:
PID is the "Process ID" which you, for example, can find using "ps -ef".
The commands below strongly depends on the OS.
You might try:
# procmap pid (in e.g. AIX)
# proctree pid (in e.g. AIX)
# pmap -x pid (in e.g. Solaris)
# kmeminfo -pid pid (in HPUX, but may need to be obtained)
# pfiles pid (in e.g. Solaris)
# pldd pid (in e.g. Solaris)
# ptree pid (in e.g. Solaris, or pstree in Linux)
# svmon -G (in e.g. AIX)
# svmon -U (in e.g. AIX)
# svmon -P -t 10 (in e.g. AIX: top 10 users)
# svmon -U steve -l (in e.g. AIX: memory stats for user steve)
That's it! Hope you liked it!